Saturday, March 22, 2014

Things That Make Me Shake My Head 2014.03.22

There is nothing so uncommon as common sense. Here's the latest example of public school administrators blindly following policy in place of using judgment and discretion.
Last week, Virginia Beach, Virginia sixth grader Adrionna Harris noticed her classmate doing something terrible – he was cutting his arm with a small razor. The Bayside Middle School student knew that was wrong, so she stepped in and took the razor away, and threw it out. It was an act that one might think would earn her praise from her school ... it instead earned her a suspension and possible expulsion.
To make matters worse, the school district refused to discuss the matter with Adrionna’s parents - until they got a local TV station involved.
The school’s own details of the event state Adrionna reported the student had a razorblade. She admitted taking it from the student then throwing the blade away.

“I took the razorblade, and then I threw it away immediately … I didn’t carry it around the school … I didn’t use it against anyone … I threw it away…

Most frustrating to the Harris family is they feel like they were ignored — none of their calls were returned about the incident until 10 On Your Side got involved...
The good news is that, as a result of the negative publicity, the school has allowed Adrionna to return to school, and removed all mention of the incident from her record.
The bad news is that it took a tsunami of adverse publicity to get those hidebound bureaucratic cowards off their fat asses to do what they should have done in the first place…


  1. Ye gods... Where do these nazis get off... And good for the parents getting the TV station involved!

  2. It's much easier to blindly follow rules than to think for themselves.

  3. ZERO TOLERANCE: the enemy foisted on America by Porgressive, gun/knife/pointing fingers like guns in schools.

    WAIT: Now those same idiot Liberals are calling for a tamping down on ZERO TOLERANCE!

    WHAT? It must be a "Conservative plot"

    NEGATIVE! It's actually a Liberal tantrum.

    Other problems associated with zero tolerance policies include:

    Racial disproportionality: BLACK students receive more harsh punitive measures (suspension, expulsion, corporal punishment) and less mild discipline than their non-minority peers, even controlling for Socio-economic Status.


  4. Toejam - Even the liberals at NPR are now saying zero tolerance is a bad idea.

    They conveniently forget that it was a liberal idea in the first place...
