Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Funnies 2014.03.23

Apologies for the late Funnies. Busy weekend - a golf tournament that ate up most of the day Sat. and Sun. and a friend's 70th birthday party Saturday night at the Kendalia Dance Hall.

In between all the fun we received word that the brother of a very close friend of ours died unexpectedly. He falls into that in-between category - more than an acquaintance, but not what you could call a close friend. Nevertheless, he was a good man and leaves behind a wife and kids who will miss him very much.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die..." -- Ecclesiastes 3:1
And speaking of seasons, spring is finally here (how's that for a segue?).

The problem with spring is that it's too nice to go to work, but there's too much yard work that needs to be done at home.

Spring break—that’s when students take time off from football games, basketball games, dances, parties, and hanging out in bars, and go to the beach and relax.

Top Ten Signs Your Home Needs a Spring Cleaning

10. Someone asks, "What died in here?" and you show them

9. Dust on TV screen gives everybody comical Andy Rooney eyebrows

8. When you win the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, Ed McMahon refuses to get out of the van

7. The so-called "Dust Bunnies" have sharp, snapping teeth

6. Your house gets hit by a twister and it actually looks better

5. Guests take one look at your bathroom and decide to use the backyard

4. When someone from the health department rings your doorbell, you say, "Not again!"

3. Every time you turn on a faucet, you hear a muffled barking sound

2. Even Robert Downey, Jr. refuses to sleep on your floor

1. You've been receiving death threats from Mr. Clean

I have a friend who is exiled lives in Buffalo NY. He sent me the following.


  1. Hey, at least it's that light, fluffy spring snow instead of that heavy, damp winter snow!

    The tourny had several different formats - two man best ball, alternate shots, etc. I played okay (for me) on Sat. but totally sucked on Sun. My partner and I broke even over the weekend - won two rounds, lost two. But the drinks were free (up to a point), the food was good, and we had fun!

  2. LOL, that's what counts! Free food and booze! And the score? My answer is 'enough'... :-)
