Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sweet Home Massachusetts

What else would you expect from Ted Kennedy's home state?
A man who snapped secret pictures up women's skirts on a Boston subway train - a practice known as upskirting - did not violate the state's Peeping Tom law, Massachusetts' top court said on Wednesday, pointing to a loophole in current legislation.

The ruling comes in the case of a man who was arrested by transit police in 2010 for using his cell phone to take pictures and video up women's' skirts on the subway ... The law "does not apply to photographing persons who are fully clothed..."
Friggin' perverts...

Ladies, cross those legs!
When it comes to secretly snapping photos of women's private parts a Massachusetts high court has ruled it a free for all.

The state's highest court ruled Wednesday that "upskirting," the practice of taking photos under a woman's dress or skirt, is legal...
And they say we're uncivilized for shooting rapists...


  1. They've come out with panties that have a polished mirror in front so when the pervert snaps the snapper all he gets is a fuzzy image of his hand holding the cellphone.

    Wow, there's a few puns hiding in that last statement.
