Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It Ain't Easy Being Me

I 'twerked' my knee a few days ago. Painful, swollen, and the soonest I can see my orthopedist is next week. Since I can't get out and about I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time in front of the PC (you may have noticed an increase in posting).

Then tonight, while fixing dinner (my wife is out of town on some girl's golf trip) I burned my right hand. Stupid frying pan...

I'm not a good typist under the best of conditions. Couple that with band-aids on two fingers and a thumb, and my WPM drop to near zero.

Now factor in several Shiners...  (Hey, it's basic first aid. Holding the cold bottles reduces pain and swelling in my fingers, and drinking that delightful amber liquid does the same. It's a two-fer.)

Bottom line - here's two more random articles I stumbled across while WUI (Websurfing Under the Influence).

Scorned Wife's Revenge
This classified ad in a newspaper appears to show an act of revenge against a cheating husband and his pregnant mistress.

The listing offers Patrick Brown and Shara Cormier congratulations on the news they are expecting a baby together – and it’s apparently signed by Brown’s wife Timeshia.

It is unclear precisely where and when this advertisement was published, although it appears the parties involved could be from an area in Sabine County, Texas.

The next one is a classic example of wasted tax dollars. As Harper pointed out, moochelle has taken it upon herself to save us poor ignorant common folk from the incredibly difficult ordeal of reading nutrition labels.
Apparently it's not the price of the groceries, but the nutrition labels on food packages that make grocery shopping such a difficult and trying experience for the moms of America...

"So there you stood, alone in some aisle in a store, the clock ticking away at the precious little time remaining to complete your weekly grocery shopping, and all you could do was scratch your head, confused and bewildered, and wonder, is there too much sugar in this product? Is 50 percent of the daily allowance of riboflavin a good thing or a bad thing? And how on Earth could this teeny little package contain five whole servings?"

"As consumers and as parents, we have a right to understand what's in the food we're feeding our families. Because that's really the only way that we can make informed choices -- by having clear, accurate information..."
Below is a before-and-after shot of the new and old nutrition labels. It's obvious that a large amount of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars went into the new and improved version (old on the left, new on the right)..

The first thing I noticed is that one of the primary things I look for - the percentage of Calories from Fat - is missing from the new label.

Thank God we have michelle obama looking out for us...


  1. A "tweaked" knee and wife out of town - order pizza.
    For the cheating hubby - he lost a wife with a great sense of humor. I wonder what it's going to cost him.
    Sorry you're laid up. I'll be in Buda Friday and Saturday.
    I'll have to buy you a retirement shiner next time.
