Thursday, February 13, 2014

Three Of A Kind - Playing The Race Card

A couple of weeks ago I posted something about a Massachusetts state representative who is in prison after being convicted of assault and battery of his girl friend.

In spite of that, he also retained his seat in the Massachusetts state legislature.

Needless to say, he's a democrat.

Evidently the publicity finally shamed the Mass. politicians into expelling the thug. After all, who in their right mind would defend a POS who goes around beating up women?

The president of the New England Area Chapter (NEAC) of the NAACP, that's who.
Massachusetts state representative Carloz Henriquez was convicted last Wednesday of assaulting a woman who refused to have sex with him and was sentenced to six months in prison. Following his conviction, the president of the New England Area Chapter (NEAC) of the NAACP, Juan Cofield, jumped to Henriquez’s defense, comparing the assault on and beating of a woman to jaywalking.
Cofield is basing his defense of Henriquez on the fact that the charges against Henriquez were misdemeanors, not felonies.
“[Henriquez] was convicted of two misdemeanors — not felonies — misdemeanors, and there is no standard in the House for expulsion based on misdemeanor convictions” Cofield said on a radio show late last week. “Almost every one of us . . . commits a misdemeanor. Jaywalking is a misdemeanor. Would you have a state representative legislator expelled from the House for jaywalking?”
No, I wouldn't expel someone for jaywalking. But I would expel a good-for-nothing slimeball who beats up women for refusing to have sex with him. (And I'd sure like to know why he wasn't charged with a felony.)

Did I forget to mention that Henriquez is black? Or would it be racist of me to point that out?

Thought experiment: imagine that a white republican was convicted of the same charges. Would Cofield and the NAACP leap to his defense?

I think we all know the answer to that question.

It's sad that an organization like the NAACP, which was once devoted to the noble cause of ensuring that the blessings and rights of our democracy are equally shared by all people, has now been reduced to defending cowards who knock around women.

In related news, our fearless Attorney General is campaigning to restore the right to vote to ex-felons.
Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday called upon states to repeal laws that bar ex-felons from voting after they complete their sentences, saying such laws are "unjust” and “counterproductive,” as well as disproportionately excluding black Americans from the polls.
Another perspective is that black Americans disproportionally vote for democrats, so it is in Eric Holder's and his fellow dems' best interests to capture the felon voting block.

Of course, since barring ex-felons from voting disproportionally impacts black Americans, opposing such a move would be racist.

Finally, we have this delicious bit of irony courtesy of the North Carolina branch of the NAACP.
North Carolinians marching to protest voter-ID laws must present a valid photo ID to participate in an NAACP-hosted protest against voter-ID laws in Raleigh on Saturday.

According to official NAACP flyers passed out at the rally, protesters must carry the precise kind of ID that they would be expected to present at the voting booth.

So according to the NAACP you can vote without an ID, but you can't march without one.

I thought the NAACP was against double standards.

I guess that was the old NAACP, not the new racist one...


  1. Yeah, these are starting to 'stink' worse and worse... And if it'd been a 'white, Pub' legislator, he'd have been gone as soon as he was charged!

  2. A fish rots from the head down. Things got much worse when our 'unifier' prez became so divisive.

  3. I live about 25 miles from the Libtard capital of NC, Asheville.

    They were whoopin it up all last week, wearing their 1960's hippie beads & beating their Peace war drums (yet another Liberal conundrum).

    They were headed off to Raleigh to show those "evil" Republicans who control the NC State legislature and the malevolant Republican Govenour who the REAL bosses were.

    They were shown on local TV strutting around, barking their mantra and basically being idiots.

    Meanwhile, I was sitting at home doing some useful chores like; tuning into Rush Limbaugh and running some Hoppe's gun cleaner through the barrel of my "legal" M4 (AR-15) assault rifle.

  4. Toejam - I guess they all took time off from work to protest.

    Yeah, right...
