Monday, September 23, 2013

FOD 2013.09.23

Last Monday, while SWAT teams were searching the Washington Navy Yard for a killer and the bodies of his victims were still laying on the floor, barack obama made a deliberate decision to proceed with a harshly partisan political speech.
Barack Obama is unqualified for his office by ability, experience and temperament, so maybe he can’t help being a bad president. But he is a divisive president–the most viciously divisive in my lifetime, at least–by choice. Many Democrats criticized him for launching a partisan attack on Republicans while the bodies were still warm at the Navy Yard.

That's not an isolated incident. Below is a list highlighting obama's twisted sense of priorities.
Fifty-three weeks ago when four Americans were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi, Obama appeared after a good night's sleep, bemoaned the loss, vowed to deliver justice to the killers (still unfulfilled), then flew off for fundraising parties in Las Vegas. Hey, they're still dead anyway, and there was big campaign money waiting.

When a 133-foot-tall wall of tsunami water rolled 10 miles inland to kill 16,000 in Japan two years ago, Obama expressed his sorrow, then went golfing. When bad weather canceled his trip to the funeral of Poland's president, Obama paid his respects by golfing.

As the Gulf coast economy struggled back from the nation's worst environmental disaster ever, Obama urged all Americans to vacation there. Then, he took his family to the New England coast.

Or our personal fave, his 2012 Virginia campaign speech when the audience began fainting from the heat. So, instead of cutting it short, Obama offered advice on hydration and how to stand properly while he finished reading his prepared text.

So, it should not be surprising that as heavily-armed SWAT teams combed the Washington Navy Yard Monday for at least one deranged killer, Obama took the occasion to proceed with one of his harshest partisan speeches in months.

Aides maintain it never crossed Obama's mind to cancel the political speech as a gesture to the violent deaths of a dozen federal employees across town and their about-to-be-grieving families and co-workers... (emphsis added)
What a self-centered egotistical narcissist. The guy is obviously incapable of understanding that the world does not revolve around him. He has no empathy or compassion for others. 

I thought I couldn't be more disgusted with obama than I already was.

I was wrong...

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