Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Connecting The Dots

Thoughts that came to mind while reading about the terrorist attack on the mall in Kenya:
  • Minnesota is home to the largest Somali community in the United States, numbering at least 32,000...
  • Minnesota’s large Somali community has been a fruitful source of new recruits to Somalia’s al Shabab terrorist group...
  • Al Shabab is responsible for the ongoing terrorist attack on the shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya...
  • Mall of America is located in Bloomington, Minnesota - just a short drive from downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. It has over 520 stores, employs 12,000+ people, and attracts 40 million visitors annually.
A ‘Soft’ target is one which has little or no military protection or security and hence is an easy option for a terrorist attack. This includes commercial shopping centres, power stations, and leisure facilities such as football grounds and sports stadiums.
You can see where I'm going with this. A community full of potential muslim terrorist recruits. A soft target with the added plus of an irresistibly symbolic name: Mall of America. And a gun free zone to boot.

How long before a Kenya-style attack takes place here in the states? And will the reaction be to rally against the savages that perpetrate such cowardly acts, or will it result in even more appeasement of a bunch of uncivilized pedophile-worshiping scum? Will the people of this country finally wake up and realize that we must take responsibility for our own self-defense, or will they crawl cringing to their political masters and beg for more police, more spying on citizens, and more gun control?

I'm afraid I know the answer...


  1. Good question, and not one anybody here has an answer for, I'm afraid...

  2. I'm amazed that there hasn't been a Kenya-style attack here at home - yet. But it's coming... and in typical American fashion we won't do anything about it until it's too late.
