Monday, September 9, 2013

FOD 2013.09.09

From Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker:
Obama Shaken by Boehner’s Support
Aides to President Obama said today that he was “visibly shaken” after receiving support from House Speaker John Boehner for his Syria campaign, adding that the Speaker’s vote of confidence was “making him rethink the whole thing.”

An aide to Mr. Obama, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that he was in the Oval Office with the President when he got the call from Mr. Boehner: “As it became clear that Boehner was going to support him on this, he looked more and more stunned. He was trying to stay calm and all but you could see that he was really taken aback.”

After putting down the phone with Mr. Boehner, the President reportedly told aides, “Boehner’s supporting it. That’s so weird. This is still a good idea, right?”
Moments after the President had “seemed to settle down,” the aide said, he received a phone call from House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who also offered his support for the Syria plan.

“That one really rattled him,” the aide said. “He was like, ‘I think I need to take a long walk.’”

The calls from Mr. Boehner and Mr. Cantor have created what the aide called “the biggest crisis of confidence this President has ever experienced.”

“I checked in on him later in the day, just to see if he was O.K.,” the aide said. “He was cradling his head in his hands saying, ‘I just don’t know. I just don’t know anymore.’”
While the President’s plan to attack Syria remains on the table, the aide indicated that the situation is very fluid: “If Rand Paul calls today and says he’s in, the whole thing goes away.”
The above is satire, of course, but if you're like me it took you a while to catch on. That's because obama is such a divisive, partisan, narrow-minded ideologue that it certainly wouldn't surprise anyone if he opposed something simply because the other side supported it.

What follows is not satire, but reality. It is an excellent example of the alternate media... us ...doing the so-called mainstream media's job. (Note: this was shamelessly lifted from Jeff at A Nod To The Gods - good job, buddy).

At a press conference Friday after a summit of G20 leaders, obama said, "When London was getting bombed, it was profoundly unpopular both in Congress and around the country to help the British. It doesn't mean it wasn't the right thing to do."

The only problem with that statement is that it isn't even remotely true.
A Gallup poll in 1940, when the German bombing campaign in Britain took place, showed 60 percent of Americans felt it was more important to help England win,even at risk of going to war, than to stay out.

Additionally, 68 percent of Americans believed the future safety of the United States depended on England winning the war, and 85 percent felt England would lose if Americans stopped sending war materials to help.
Of course, the 'misstatement' went unremarked upon by the obama supporters masquerading as journalists.

What else is new...?

More here: "Barack Obama’s comparison of the civil war in Syria with World War Two is one of the most ridiculous assertions by a US president in recent times."

1 comment:

  1. That's the problem with Obama and his minions, no concept of history. And frankly, they don't care if what they say or do is completely false or misleading.
    And the MSM won't call them on it. Damn shame.
