Sunday, September 8, 2013

Empty Shell Casings = Empty Brains

Since I mentioned that I'm headed to Washington D.C. for my uncle's funeral, both OldNFO and Toejam have warned me about this. (Thanks, fellows.)
Washington police are operating under orders to arrest tourists and other non-residents traveling with spent bullet or shotgun casings, a crime that carries a $1,000 fine, a year in jail and a criminal record...

"Empty shell casings are considered ammunition in Washington, D.C. ...
I guess that means I'd better take this off my key chain.

In case you can't figure out what it is, it's an NRA bottle opener made from an empty shell casing. I suppose the D.C. cops think it could be loaded into a weapon and and fired.


It is only fitting that the clowns running our nation's capital would think that empty shell casings are ammunition. After all, they also think that their empty heads contain brains...


  1. My boss has a bag that does double duty as a range bag and computer travel case. He had a loose 45 round in the bottom of it last time he went to the airport. Lots of paperwork and questioning before he was allowed to go.

  2. At least he didn't get in trouble - just inconvenienced.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
