Thursday, August 22, 2013

Potpourri 2013.08.22

There's just too much going on these days to keep up with it all. So I've picked a few stories that I found interesting. Brief comments and links are below, but you'll have to read the stories for yourself to get the most out of them.

What happens when an idealistic liberal meets reality head-on? Find out at:
Starry-eyed Liberal Meets Reality

The dynamics between father and son are different than mother-son or father-daughter. Michael Gerson chronicles the mixed emotions we fathers experience when our eldest son goes off to college.
Saying goodbye to my child

At last, someone in the media acknowledges what is painfully obvious to many of us.
Don’t Ignore Race

And while we're at it, don't ignore the culpability of parents when kids go bad.
Negligent parents, lawbreaking kids


  1. All good ones, and I was laughing at the first one! She should volunteer on an ambulance for a week... THEN she'd see the REAL world...

  2. Yea, I read about that "starry-eyed" Liberal a few days ago.

    Immediately, a feeling of Schadenfreude ran down my leg.

    I had to check, cause at my age it might well have been L.E.P.

    (Liquid Excretory Product)

  3. What's the matter, Toejam, are your Depends leaking? :-)

  4. It's gotten so bad CTT I gave up on depends. Rigged my computer up on a special adjustable desk and sit on the john all day typing away.
