Friday, August 23, 2013

Keep Your Hands Clean

I've lost count of all the scandals emanating from the obama administration. By one count there are at least two dozen. But I have run across a product that makes cleaning up the messes much easier.

If there's one great universal truth that we can all agree on, it's this: No one wants poop on their hands.

And yet, we laugh carelessly in the face of danger every time we take an old fashioned wet wipe to our heinies, flying completely blind in the critical poop-to-hand spatial relation.

With new Shittens, you can fully protect your hands while tending to the dirty deed.

The way things are going these days you'd better order a case...


  1. Do they have special ones for "lefties"?

    Oh wait, I'm right handed but I use my left hand for the dirty deed.

    That could be the basis for my Master's thesis:

    What percentage of right-handers use their left and what percentage of left-handers use their right.

    Can wiping your partner's butt be construed as a deviant sexual activity?

    Too bad they don't have colored ones. Red would be great for hemorrhoid suffers.

    OK, I'll own up; I started sipping my Carlo Rossi Burgandy early this Friday.

  2. "I started sipping my Carlo Rossi Burgandy early this Friday."

    Why not? It is, after all, Friday!
