Thursday, July 25, 2013

What? Another Vacation?

No, this post is not about the obamas jetting off for the next in a long line of vacations.

Instead, it's about me and my family jetting off for our second vacation this summer.

Regular readers know that we recently returned from a once in a lifetime trip to Australia and New Zealand. Now we're headed for our annual 'regular' vacation at a ranch in the Wyoming mountains. We'll do a little horseback riding, a little hiking, and a whole lot of just chillin'.

My wife's been going to this place since she was 5 years old. When we got married one of the conditions was that I agree to go every year as well. It's not a problem, because the people are great and I like the country lifestyle.

Plus they have great bars.

As you can tell from the last photo, Wyoming isn't the most politically correct state. In fact, drive-thru windows at bars are legal there.

Stay tuned...


  1. Have a great time CTT,

    And stay safe.

    I wish I was going with you.

  2. Enjoy! And if the stool starts bucking, you'll know you've had too much... :-)

  3. Sheesh, getting a little jealous of your jet setting ways.

    Enjoy, I will vacation vicariously through you!

  4. Toejam - we will, we will, and maybe next time.

    NFO - lol! They've thrown me more than once.

    Harper - there's a small window between retiring, being able to do stuff, and running out of $$$. I'm going to take advantage of it while I can.

  5. "there's a small window between retiring, being able to do stuff, and running out of $$$. I'm going to take advantage of it while I can."

    Truer words were never spoken, CTT.

    I'll attest to that!
