Friday, July 26, 2013

Babes In The Woods

Some people should not be allowed to go outside by themselves.
Two lost women -- one who was five months pregnant -- were rescued while hiking only to be killed later the same day in a car accident.

The Washington County Sheriff's Department told HLN affiliate WMTW that the women, both in their 30's, had called to say they were lost on Tuesday near Roque Bluffs State Park in Maine. Before rescuers arrived on scene, a man said he had found the two women and their dog.

He gave them a lift to a nearby home, where they were then taken to their car by the Maine Warden Service.

Just a short time later, the women called in to report that they had driven their vehicle into the water. Rescuers couldn't reach them in time.

GPS coordinates tracked by investigators show that the pair was just a mile from where they were last seen, their car submerged about 175 feet from a boat ramp...
I don't get it. It's not like they were miles from civilization. They had cell phone service, for goodness sakes. And how do you confuse a boat ramp for a road?

I wonder what the autopsy blood tests will show...


  1. Strange that they never got out of the car...

  2. Old NFO

    Maybe they were like the blondes who called 911 for assistance because they were locked out of their Convertable which had the top down.
