Tuesday, May 7, 2013

There Is No End To This Madness

I've been pencil-whipped at golf at few times, so I understand how a pencil in the wrong hands can do some damage.

Two Suffolk (VA) second graders have been suspended for making shooting noises while pointing pencils at each other.

Media outlets report the 7-year-old boys were suspended for two days for a violation of the Suffolk school system’s zero-tolerance policy on weapons.
WEAPONS?!? Since when do pencils equal weapons?
...Suffolk Public Schools spokeswoman Bethanne Bradshaw said a pencil is considered a weapon when it’s pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made.
Oh. I see. Using that reasoning, a finger could also be considered a weapon.
Bradshaw said the policy ... also bans ... pointing a finger in a threatening manner.
Hey Bradshaw - does that include pointing the middle finger? Because that's what I'm pointing at you and all your pinhead liberal buddies right now.

“When I asked him about it, he said, ‘Well I was being a Marine and the other guy was being a bad guy,’” said Paul Marshall, one of the boys’ fathers. “It’s as simple as that.”

Marshall, a former Marine, said he believes school officials overreacted.
Gee, ya think?

What have we come to when a 7-year-old gets punished for pretending to be a Marine and shooting bad guys? I used to go hunting with a retired marine who was decorated in the Pacific campaign during WWII. I'd love to hear his reaction to this nonsense. I can guarantee it would be succinct, profane, and to the point.

I can also guarantee he would have to be restrained from heading to Suffolk and beating some sense into those fools up there.
Marshall said his son has good grades and no history of being disruptive in class. On the suspension note, the teacher noted that the boy stopped when she told him to do so.

He said school administrators failed to use common sense.
Sadly, that has become the rule instead of the exception in today's society.

According to the Suffolk School System, this is a deadly weapon.


  1. They've said for centuries: "The pen is mightier than the sword".

    I guess then: "The #2 Pencil is mightier than the AR-15".

  2. Actually in first grade I was stabbed in the arm with a pencil by a fiesty little blonde classmate. I think I was reading her valentine cards without her authorization. Still have the scar in my forearm.

    Needless to say I learned nothing about women from that experience.

    On the kids suspension, someone needs a good slap aside the head, and it's not the kids.

  3. Toejam - love the pen vs. sword comparison.

    Jeff - same thing happened to me in 3rd grade (except it was a brunette). I learned to fear women, not pencils.
