Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shoot Me Now

I ran across this article yesterday. Needless to say, it sent a shiver down my spine.
A Bill-Hillary ticket in 2016 has many Democrats excited...

Since the 2012 election ended, the questions have begun about whether Hillary Clinton would parlay her experience in the Senate and as Secretary of State into a presidential run. Bill Clinton of course would be barred from running again, but many people see him as a de-facto running mate for Hillary with a wealth of experience and contacts.
De-facto running mate, or actually on the ticket as the official Vice Presidential nominee? That would raise a whole host of issues, not the least of which would be a constitutional question as to what would happen if Hillary died in office and Bill, as Veep, was next in line to become prez.
If a Bill-Hillary 2016 run were to happen, the former Secretary of State would likely enter the race as the favorite. A poll from Quinnipiac University found that Clinton would defeat any Republican challengers, in hypothetical presidential matchups, including rising GOP star Chris Christie.

“Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton would start a 2016 presidential campaign with enormous advantages,” said the polling institute’s assistant director Peter Brown. “She obviously is by far the best known, and her more than 20 years in the public spotlight allows her to create a very favorable impression on the American people.”

While the possibility of a  Bill Hillary 2016 run has Democrats excited, in reality it would create a divided party going into Democratic primaries. Vice President Joe Biden is also likely to enter the race, pitting the often overlapping  support bases and fundraising machines of the Clintons and Barack Obama against each other.
Last year I would have salivated at the thought of either Hillary or Bumbling Joe Biden being the 2016 democrat nominee. Either one, I thought, would be toting so much baggage that there's no way they could win.

Then obama got re-elected...

If such an obvious loser can nevertheless scrape together enough votes to win, it's obvious that low-information voters are a greater threat to this country than al-Qaeda.

God help us all...


  1. I think the vote fraud we've heard about is just the tip of the iceberg.
    I saw your post on Stilton's site. We're neighbors - I live right off of Fair Oaks Ranch Pkwy near I-10.

  2. Hey, Chris. Glad to hear from you. I'm in the process of wrapping things up in Laredo and moving things back home, but when I get some free time we'll have to get together for a beer or two.

