Thursday, March 28, 2013


Generally speaking, serendipity refers to the accidental discovery of something useful while not specifically searching for it. Since I started this blog I've been constantly amazed at the number of times I'll be working on something and a related piece falls into my lap from a totally unexpected source. Here's the latest example.

I just finished reading an in-depth profile of Lance Armstrong in a recent issue of Texas Monthly. The gist of the story is that Armstrong is neither hero nor villain. On the plus side of the ledger is his determined battle to overcome cancer, and the great amount of time and effort that he has devoted to helping others battle that curse. On the negative side is the lying about his use of performance enhancing drugs, and his bullying of anyone who dared object or challenge him. In short, he is neither black nor white, but a complex mottled shade of gray.

What makes this serendipitous is that shortly after I finished reading the story, I posted something about Debbie Wasserman Schultz whining that congressional staffers were starving because the sequester caused prices to rise in government cafeterias. In a comment on that post, Toejam mentioned that DWS has endured multiple surgeries for breast cancer, including a double mastectomy. I didn't know that.

I did a little research, and found out that not only is that true, but that Wasserman Schultz has mounted a campaign to inform doctors and young women that breast cancer can strike women in their 20s and 30s, something that many people aren't aware of. (Schultz had just turned 40 when her cancer was discovered. Three years ago her doctors declared her cancer-free.)

Furthermore, she has the balls (metaphorically speaking, of course) to stand up and joke about the experience. At last year's Gridiron Dinner (a white-tie extravaganza where the Washington press corps makes fun of itself and the politicians it covers) Debbie detoured into standup comedy.
“By the way, my health battle wasn’t all bad. I got these,” she said, gazing at the bodice of her long red gown. “I like to call them my ‘silver linings.’ Some people who know my story ask: “Debbie, are they fake?”

“I say, hell, yes, they’re fake.  The real ones tried to kill me...
...although the fake ones feel very real. At least that’s what the TSA agents tell me.”
Gotta give the gal her props. She took on a killer disease, kicked it in the teeth, and can laugh about it. I now have a degree of grudging respect and admiration for her.

However, I still agree with Toejam that she's a commie bitch...


  1. Concur, it is funny what comes our way on occasion...

  2. Keeps things from getting boring...

  3. Thanks for the mention, CTT.

    Yup, old Wasserman-Shultz has Chutzpa alright. Both good and bad.

    Unfortunately, her bad is way out in Left field and will affect the entire country.

    Both my wife and my sister have gone through the Breast Cancer "mill".

    Thankfully, in both cases it was caught through early screening and both had good healthcare insurance (through the companies they worked for) to be able to avail of the best care.

    I fear for my 18 year old daughter. Now there's a family history + Obamacare looming in the very near future will she be as fortunate?

  4. Glad to hear that your wife and sister are doing well. My thoughts and prayers that your daughter will be at least as fortunate, if not more so.
