Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let Them Eat Cake

Yesterday we heard from a couple of democrat congresscrittters moaning and groaning about how the sequester is eviscerating the creatures that serve on their official staffs (boo-friggin'-hoo).

Today we have a brief summary of how our overlords the obamas are faring during that same time period.

More than a Vacation a Month for Obamas in 2013
In the first three months of the year, members of the first family have been on three vacations, averaging a vacation a month...

The Obamas began the new year in Hawaii. "President Obama departed Hawaii this morning for Washington, after spending NINE days vacationing with family and friends in his native state...ABC reported on January 6, 2013.

Then (in February) the first lady and their daughters vacationed in Aspen over President's Day weekend...

While the rest of the family was in Colorado, Obama went to Florida for a golf weekend (with) one of golf’s most famous guys, Tiger Woods...

As if that wasn't enough, the first daughters are now spending Spring Break at a luxurious resort in the Bahamas.
Sasha and Malia Obama are quietly vacationing at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas...
I don't have a problem with people taking a few days off every once in a while. And I certainly don't object to the kids having a good time over Spring Break. But what does chap my ass is that (1) we the taxpayers are footing the bill for these boondoggles; (2) they're taking place during a time when so many people are struggling to make ends meet; and (3) obama is spending all of his time when he's not on vacation pissing and moaning about how the government doesn't have enough money, so taxes should be raised.

Oh yeah - and at the same time the White House tours have been cancelled due to lack of funds.

The hypocrisy is mind-boggling...


  1. It's a pretty sad situation alright.

    I believe the Obamas see themselves as the collective pleasure reapers getting pay-back for all the decades of brutal slavery their ancestors were subjected to.

    In their minds it's not the Obama's vacation. Barack, Michelle, Sasha and Malia are living the "good life" for all those oppressed black folks relegated to the ghettos by the rich 1% white cartel.

  2. I didn't know Barry's ancestors in Kenya were subjected to brutal slavery...

  3. Pathetic... But at least if he's gone, he can't screw anything up!!!
