Thursday, February 21, 2013

What Was I Thinking?

At one point I actually thought NJ governor Chris Christie might be a viable conservative candidate for president.

What the hell was I thinking?

Christie: ‘I’m not much different from Andrew Cuomo’
...Larry Bulman, former Saratoga County Democratic chairman and a South Glens Falls native who, in his new job as political director for the United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Steamfitters recently got 90 minutes of face time with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Bulman said when he told Mr. Christie he is from upstate New York, “(Christie) said, ‘I’m not much different from Andrew Cuomo. I probably agree with him on 98% of the issues.’ ”
Other nonsense spewed from Christie's piehole can be found here, here, and here.


  1. Yeah, at least we found out BEFORE he ran...

  2. I was sadly mistaken about Chris Christie too.

    I thought he was a stand-up, no nonsense Conservative Italian guy.

    But then I found out his Father was Irish. That immediately set off an alarm bell in the "common sense" portion of my brain: "Tammany Hall, NYC & The Daily clan, Chicago.

    Although I'm a straight Conservative and he is part Irish too I think I'd prefer to have Jim" McGreevey" back!

  3. I think he fooled a lot of people.

    I hadn't considered the Irish angle before. Maybe if he was Polish...
