Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate Follow-Up

After Wednesday night's debate, I needed something to get that vile taste out of my mouth. This sounded promising, at least until I found out about it's price and limited availability.
You haven’t truly lived until you have tasted premium liquor that was first dribbled down the bare chest of an international Playboy model.

Since not everyone is lucky enough to do this on a nightly basis, German liquor company G-Spirits has created limited-edition bottles of whiskey, vodka and rum that all go through one very special step before bottling: Each drop of liquor is poured down the bare breasts of a naked model before it’s packaged for your imbibing pleasure. Seriously.

 This is the PG-13 version. Go here for the NSFW pictures.

The spirits range from $150 to $180 per bottle, but the company is unfortunately not able to ship them to the United States.

The good news is that all it takes is a little imagination to create this same effect at home: Just grab a bottle of Jack Daniels and the nearest female of questionable moral standards, and voila! — you too can have boob booze in the comfort of your own living room...
Probably not gonna happen in my house, but hey - a guy can dream...


  1. LOL, I wuz gonna say that is NOT a new idea... Just sayin... :-)

  2. I'm a wine drinker myself, but I have to say those are lovely nipples..........On the spirit bottles, of course!

  3. Always wondered how they made crack cocaine, damn!

  4. Repeating myself, I know, but you guys reinforce the opinion that we men really are pigs...
