Thursday, October 4, 2012

And The Winner Is... (Updated)

Here's the impression I was left with after last night's debate:

Yes, Mitt kicked obama's worthless, arrogant, petulant, lying ass up one side of the street and down the other. It was such a thorough ass-whuppin' that even the staunchest obama supporter mainstream media had to sit up and take notice.


obama played defense. He never challenged Romney. He never brought up things like the 47% comment or Romney's refusal to disclose his tax returns. obama will do better next time -- he can hardly do worse -- and then his media puppets will proclaim that obama is back, obama won, obama has momentum, ad nauseam.

So enjoy the moment. Revel in this victory. But keep in mind that there is still a long way to go, against an unprincipled, dishonest foe.

The message remains:


  1. Outstanding CTT!!!

    Great debate last night. Mitt wipped his ass.

    Obama showed himself for what he really is: AN EMPTY SUIT, with a Socialist rhetoric!

    Betcha he has a microchip imbeded at the base of his medulla oblongata getting messages from Bill Ayers.

  2. Toejam - you inspired me to update the post. Yes, Mitt won and obama looked every bit the empty chair that Clint said he was. But this thing is far from over.

  3. Americans are afraid of their own government, hummmmmmmmm...

    sounds like something out of a German dime novel from the 1930's.

    What was that old line.. ahhhh.. 'all that is necessary is that good people do nothing'?.

    Still don't see any yard signs.. Sho' is a lot'a nutin' goin' on..
    We toast! We bad, burnt, old, moldy toast!
