Tuesday, August 21, 2012

They're All Out Of Touch

obama claims Mitt Romney is out of touch with middle America. Romney responds by charging that obama is the one who is out of touch.

From where I sit both of them, along with the whole damn congress, is so far out of touch that they can't see how we live with the Hubble telescope.

Here's just one example.
America’s most distinguished leaders get their hair cut at the Senate barbershop, but taxpayers are the ones really getting clipped.

The barbershop ran almost $300,000 in the red last year but received an infusion from Senate coffers that is keeping it in business...
"an infusion." That's congresscritter speak for "bailout." It's particularly disturbing given what the barbershop charges.
A shampoo, cut and blow dry is $27 and highlights are $105, according to the barbershop’s website. A trim costs $20...
For comparison purposes, I go to Larry's Barbershop in beautiful downtown Boerne, Texas. Larry charges me $10 for a haircut and beard trim. Granted, I don't have a full head of hair, but what I lack on top I make up for with my beard. so it all evens out. Toss in a $2 tip and we're both happy.

The sad thing is that many senators didn’t even know that the shop couldn’t pay its bills. That sort of astute fiscal awareness is one reason why this country is in the mess we're in.
Former Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, R-Ill., blames the money woes on the stylists, who are federal employees. He contends they’re overpaid compared to their private-sector counterparts.
Barbers are federal employees, and union members? Barbers!?!? YGTBSM. The barbers who cut my hair when I went through Basic Training at Ft. Polk damn sure weren't federal employees and union members. They were moonlighting sheep-shearers.
“They are using union labor, and so their benefits and wages are higher than those of many jobs,” Fitzgerald said.

To support his argument, Fitzgerald contrasts the salaries and benefits of the Senate’s stylists to what is offered by Capitol Barber, three blocks away.

Capitol’s four barbers and stylists made $22,000 to $30,000 last year with no benefits, manager Lynn Dang said. At the Senate barbershop, formally called Senate Hair Care Services, the top four barbers and stylists made more than twice that — $54,761; $70,349; $73,658; and $81,641 — plus they have a generous 401(k) plan, health care and paid vacation. In all, the government contributed $230,000 in benefits for the barbershop, the Senate Appropriations Committee said.
$70, 000+ for cutting hair?!? Plus a 401(k), health care, and paid vacation? I'm in the wrong line of work
(Senate sergeant at arms Terrance Gainer) acknowledged the barbershop’s staff members “are well paid, and it gives them a leg up on their nongovernment counterparts.”
No shit.
After struggling to stabilize the barbershop’s finances for the five years he’s been on the job, Gainer has decided privatization is the only answer.

",,, it’s costing the government money, and that includes taxpayers like you and me...”
That's true not only of the barbershop, but of many other government-provided 'services.'

And if it's so obvious that privatizing the barbershop is the answer to its fiscal woes, why isn't that being considered in other areas?

Just askin'...

1 comment:

  1. Well I guess the cat's out of the bag now! I know you're site has just got to be monitored by the MLA (Mexican Liberation Army), as well as every jihadist outfit West of Mecca, wouldn't recommend getting a shave the next time you're in the Senate Barber Shop. (In fact I wouldn't recommend going within 5 miles of the place anymore; look for that Union Label whenever ya' got some money to spend, it 'pays' to have insurance these days;-)
