Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Followup To Yesterday's Post

In commenting on yesterday's post, OldNFO stated that (paraphrasing here) as part of his campaign strategy, obama would continue to blame Bush for so poisoning the economy that no one could be expected to turn it around in a mere four years.

OLDNFO was more prescient than he knew.

Obama worried that Romney might take credit for turning economy around
At an off-the-record lunch at the White House in June 2012, President Obama explained that he had to win re-election or Mitt Romney would get credit for an inevitable recovery during what would be his second term.

“I’m not going to let him win … so that he can take all the credit when the economy turns around,” Obama said...

... Obama’s advisers knew by 2011 that a positive campaign based on the improving economy “just wasn’t in the cards” and planned early to hit Mitt Romney with a negative campaign.

“You can’t run on the economy ... You can only tell people that you’ve saved them from something worse.”
Give 'em credit. They're following that game plan to the letter.


  1. Well, we HAVE been beating this one around for a while... :-) And like I said before, Hope is not a plan, and change is not a direction, and Blame Bush is NOT valid argument...

  2. Heard on a Chicago Street corner:

    First Woman, "Obama's getting desperate, have you seen the price of mattresses and ammunition lately?"

    Second Woman, "You can say that again, my husband works for Social Security, he said they were told not to send out this month's deposits or checks to anyone whose SSAN ended in 1 through 5, that they weren't going to need them."

    Third Woman, "My wife told me that the GSA -- she works there you know -- at the Chicago Offce -- that the GSA has cornered the global market on concrete; they're buying everything that'll hold a body down. And it's all coming to Chicago, really!"

    Fourth Woman, "Ladies, you need to shut up and move on, my sister works at City Hall, Romney and Ryan are both in town for a fundraiser and the mayor is going on TV and radio in 10 minutes to make an announcement that everything's fine, and the city is doing exceptionally well, and to "ignore" any loud noises, gunfire, and explosions, or
    anyone who says it's not a City-Wide Emergency Services Exercise in cooperation with Federal Agencies and Departments, sounds like something or someone's going down, better hurry."

  3. PS: Forgot the most important part of my last:-) (-;If we don't 'Smile' they'll think we're mad;-)

  4. I'm feeling like a stuck record, somebody hit me...

    More ;-)...

    The NEW Obumma Campaign Fight Song
    (Remember 'Whistle while you work, Stevenson's a yerk, Eisenhower's got the power, so whistle while you work!'? Well this is an updated version of that classic 1950's song pointed the utter way around, a'la Obumma;-)



    (I just can't bring myself to put even some of the lyrics here. It really is THAT bad!)

    Oh yes, ;-) (for all you FBI, NSA, DOE, DHS folks protecting yourselves from all the bad guys in this country, jus' jokin' honest, really, would i kid you, yer da' law, you da' man ;-)
