Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fly The Friendly Skies

I'm back home physically, but mentally I keep thinking about going on another vacation. Here's what sent me daydreaming this morning.
... a Vietnamese carrier has taken its entertainment offering to a stratospheric level by serving up a mid-air beauty pageant.

None of the male passengers appeared to be dashing for the emergency exits when a string of women in Hawaiian bikinis trooped through the cabin on the inaugural VietJetAir (VJA) flight from Ho Chi Minh City to the coastal holiday destination of Nha Trang.

Instead they reached for their phones to record the scantily-clad women, who had all been contestants in a local beauty contest, performing a three minute hip-shaking dance in front of them during the night flight last Friday.

Leave it to government flunkies, however, to spoil a good thing
However the airline has now been fined after a video showing the unusual high-altitude antics was posted on YouTube and became a hit on social network sites.

The Vietnam Aviation Authority has ordered the airline carrier, which was only launched last year, to pay £600.

Nguyen Trong Thang, chief inspector of the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam said he thought the airline made a serious error of judgement in giving the go ahead for the sky high show.

A VietjetAir official offered a diplomatic response.

He said: ‘It was the first flight to a beach town, so we came up with the idea of getting a number of girls in bikinis to dance and make passengers happy...
If the above picture is any indication, there certainly were a lot of happy passengers (most of them male).

Reminds me of the old days when Southwest Airlines hostesses wore hotpants...


  1. The 51% Rule and the Bell Curve: The BEST rule of thumb to things like this is the 51% Rule. When the reaction to anything is greater than 50% you have an issue, until then you have nothing but normal human noise. Use the Bell Curve as the yardstick, when you pass 50% you just made a boo-boo. (Until then the old saying that 'Less is More' seems appropriate;-)
