Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Definition Of Irony

Hearse driver dies while taking body to funeral
Beverly Hills police say a hearse driver who was found dead with a body in the vehicle died while taking the casket to a funeral.

Lt. Lincoln Hoshino says authorities were alerted that a body was slumped over in the driver's seat of a hearse parked near the Beverly Hills Hotel at about 3 p.m. Monday.

Hoshino says the investigation is in its early stages but the woman appears to have died of natural causes, with no weapons or evidence of violence discovered.
Poor woman. She was just trying to urn a paycheck...

Maybe the funeral home was having a 2-for-1 special...

Also known as a dead giveaway...

I guess that's better than a layaway plan...


  1. I LOVE IT.

    Old NFO, stop being such a "stiff"> ;)

  2. I understand the EPA will be imposing another 'rule' to start using biodegradeable 'Envelopes', it's been in the Public Comment phase for the past 6 months, that's why no one knows about it yet.

  3. NFO - you can judge the quality of a pun by the groans it generates.

    Toejam - good one.

    Pascvaks - I've also heard that cemeteries are going to start burying people standing up to conserve space.

  4. CTT,

    I heard something similar, but, by presidential fiat, all Democrats will be buried, without a headstone in a fetal position with their "butts" slightly exposed so their friends will recognize them. In addition, the "save the ecology fanatics" will have a place to park their bicycles.
