Thursday, May 10, 2012

Quick Hits 2012.05.10

A couple of random quotes worth thinking about:
"There is not a single problem in life which can't be solved with hard liquor and poor judgment."
-- G.C. Strouse
I'm here to testify I've used the "hard liquor and poor judgement" approach multiple times, with decidedly mixed results.
"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading".
 --Thomas Jefferson

Speaking of reloading, I'll close with the graphic below (from here). 


  1. Hard Liquor - check
    Bad Judgment - Check
    Waking next to Coyote Ugly - Check

  2. I suggest that no problem is so complex it cannot be solved with the proper application of firepower.

  3. Or in CD's world, a combination of hard liquor, poor judgment, and firepower... ;-)
