Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Primary Thoughts

A quick follow-up to yesterday's post about the primaries, in which we discussed the surprising pushback against obama's campaign for a second term:
Looks like Tuesday was a bad day for Barack Obama, Democrats in general, and particularly the unions.  Three states held primaries, and in each, voters rejected positions and/or candidates associated with all three, in embarrassing vote totals. 

By far the worst news for the Left came in Wisconsin, where primaries were held for the recall elections next month ... Scott Walker got more votes than both (democrat candidates) combined despite facing only token opposition in the Republican primary:

Republicans in Wisconsin appear fired up and ready to turn out in June, and presumably in November, to protect their state against Big Labor’s efforts to undo the 2010 elections and take control of the state.  That’s not good news for Obama, either, since Obama won Wisconsin in 2008 and needs the state in 2012.

All of that makes for a very bad night indeed for Democrats, and a pretty good indicator which way the wind is blowing before the general election.

And what was the liberal response to a Texas convict garnering over 40% of the vote while running against obama in Tuesday's West Virginia primary?

Racism, of course.

While most observers credit obama's anti-coal policies for his lack of popularity in a state with its economy heavily dependent on the coal industry, national democrats suggested a different reason for the president’s problems with the electorate in West Virginia.
“You know why we have a problem there,” a Democrat said to ABC News. The reporter asked if the Democrat was suggesting many West Virginia voters are racist. Judd is white.  “That’s right,” the Democrat said.
Oh yeah - racism. That explains it.

I guess obama's relentless attacks on the coal industry, his obvious contempt for rural Americans (who have the gall to cling to their guns and religion), his dismal record of creating jobs and restoring the economy, and his arrogant elitist attitude (lavish vacations and seemingly endless rounds of golf) have nothing to do with his unpopularity in West Virginia - and elsewhere.



  1. The racism claim, or card, or position has been played out; rode hard and put away wet; used and abused like Bawney Fwank's bunghole at a gay pride parade.

    I'm so sick of hearing it used for EVERY excuse under the sun why Jug Ears Hussein is despised by so many people.

    I can't stand his white half either!

  2. Funny how it's not racism when 95% of blacks vote for him, but it is racism when 40% of whites vote for someone else.
