Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I Wish I'd Said

This morning I commented on the Trayvon Martin shooting. In that post I made mention of how ironic it was that the same ethnic group that has suffered so much at the hands of lynch mobs is now in the process of assembling one of their own.

This evening I came across the following post, which says what I was trying to say, but much more succinctly and eloquently.

The Lynch Mob Assembles
I haven’t written about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida for the simple reason that I was as shocked by his murder as anyone else. I am not a racist no matter what some might say, and as a parent of a teenage boy myself I’m quite sensitive to seeing parents suffer the type of loss that is my own greatest personal fear. But I’ve learned from past experience to never trust initial reports, so I have been waiting for the dust to settle and the truth to be revealed. And waiting. And waiting.

The righteous anger that erupted immediately after Martin’s death has morphed into something else, something much more ugly. It is one thing to demand an investigation into his death, it’s another to call for his killer’s capture “dead or alive” as the Black Panther’s have, or to pass along his address – erroneously it turns out – to your 250,000 followers on Twitter the way Spike Lee has. This is the hysteria of the mob, and it is dangerous yet the politicians who don hoodies in Congress are so caught up in it that they are blind to it.

It is impossible to imagine Martin Luther King jr sending out the addresses of the men who killed James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner in 1964 for a very simple reason: He had seen first hand the results of lynch mobs, and he knew their irrationality and power. He had seen innocent men tried, convicted and executed by the mob, and he knew that the greatest antidote for it was the application of slow but inexorable blind justice. Florida 2012 is not Mississippi 1964, so why are so many so desperate to turn the clock back? Convene a grand jury and let the Truth come out, but do not unleash the beast that threatens to devour everyone including those that set it loose among us.

Ever seen a lynch mob? This is how one starts. Someone innocent is going to get hurt, the outcome of most lynchings, and hysteria will be replaced by regret. But by then it will be too late, and those that think they are righteous today will have innocent blood on their hands tomorrow.
Well said, sir, well said.


  1. Very well said... and the more interesting part is the fact that the MSM is 'slanting' the pictures to paint the worst possible picture of Zimmerman, and choirboy Martin, when NEITHER picture is correct...

  2. There's an old saying that goes something like "The first casualty of war is truth."

    That's equally applicable to politics...

  3. The more things change,

    The more they stay the same!


  4. The way this has been going I think the Prez and the Press and the Atrny Gen and the DNC have something a little BIGGER in mind than just a local, old fashioned Lynch Mob in Florida some soon Saturday Night. This has 'legs' so they say, this is 'bigger than a bread box' as they also say. This has the potential to outshine, outflame, and outburn the Watts and other riots of the long ago 60's. This is Hollywood style 2012!

    Wait for one more little something to ignite the bonfire, the gas has already been strewn on all the walls and streets. and this time we have a Prez that wants to be at the head of the pack shouting "Burn, Baby! Burn!"

    This is the very big price we pay for electorial stupidity. Is this 'anger' for historic injustice? No this is pure, old fashioned, Chicago politics; all played to get an advantage and teach the residents of the hood (the USofA) who's da boss and where we'z goin', y'all.

    I have a feeling April will be unusually warm in North America, and there will be a nice big parade on May Day down Pennsylvania Ave.

    For more on what's coming listen to Obumma's old pastor, Louis Farrakan, Jesse Jackass, and all the old Pie-eyed Pipers of Mayhem and Molotov's. The first victims? Who knows? I doubt that they have much of a plan. It'll be a 'Happening'.
