Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wait Just A Friggin' Minute

A whole passel of states have passed some form of voter ID laws requiring potential voters to provide some type of government approved picture identification such as a driver's license or passport in order to vote. Conservatives argue this is necessary to prevent voter fraud. Liberals claim voter ID laws disenfranchise minorities, older voters, and young people.
College campuses across the nation are teeming with students ready to exercise their right to vote, one of the few perks that comes with turning 18. Yet, instead of encouraging students to take part in this rite of passage, some states are imposing voter ID requirements that make it much harder for them to vote.

The fact that some Republicans see these new voter restrictions as a good thing shows their complete disregard for the democratic process.
I'm not going to address the minorities or senior citizen issue, but I would like to comment on the liberal's concern that young folks might be adversely affected.

Sweeping new security measures to prevent cheating on the SAT and ACT college entrance exams were announced Tuesday.
Beginning with exams taken in September, students will have to submit a photo of themselves when they apply for a test. That photo will be printed on the student's test admission ticket and the roster provided to proctors at testing sites. Testing staff will compare the submitted photo to a photo ID and to the student in person at the testing site.

Photo checks will take place when the student arrives at the testing site, during breaks and when tests are handed in.

Student photos will also remain in the testing databases and be checked again by high school counselors and college admission officials once scores are calculated and submitted.
(More here.)

Let me get this straight. It's okay to implement a restrictive system of checking photo IDs for prospective college students, but not for potential voters? Liberals howl in outrage over voter ID laws, but are strangely silent over stricter requirements for SAT and ACT tests? Double standard, anyone?

We're concerned about kids spoofing the system to get into college, where they'll either pass or fail mostly on their own merits. But we could care less about verifying the eligibility of people voting for the leader of the free world?

Priorities, people, priorities...


  1. I watched that brainwashed twit Rachel Maddow last night bitchin about 86,000 or so people who have not registered to vote in Florida compared to the same time in '08. She then went on a three minute diatribe about how the constitution is getting ignored and peoples birthrights are being assailed. I hate that chick.

  2. "Brainwashed twit" is putting it mildly.
