Thursday, February 16, 2012

Score One For Homer

They say politics makes unlikely bedfellows. Toss in some beer and you never know who'll end up in the sack together.

Over drinks, foot soldiers of the left and right explore what they agree on: more than you'd think
It would have been just any mundane clash of civilizations with points thrown and missed until a Mad Hatter in the form of the gregarious Tea Partier appears in the thick of the stand off between Occupiers and Conservatives and says - hey stop shouting at each other - you got at least 60% in common - so lets have some beers (many beers) and discuss this. And so began the Beer Summit an initiative between possibly the minuteman wing of the Tea Party - attendees at the CPAC and some of the Occupiers who came to protest CPAC.
Which just goes to show the Tao of Homer
Here's to alcohol, the cause of—and solution to—all life's problems.

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