Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Dear Leader Can Beat Up Your Dear Leader

To go along with Truth Teams and the Food Police, we now have brainwashed kids forced to chant paeans of praise to our Dear Leader (not to be confused with North Korea's Dear Leader, although the difference is shrinking daily).

Kindergarteners chant paean to Obama  (H/T Cranky Professor)
As part of a Black History Month program, kindergarteners at Tipps Elemementary School in Houston were sent home with lyrics to a chant lauding Barack Obama ... A note to teachers said students would be “required” to learn the chant, though the school claims only some students were chosen for the evening program and parents could refuse to sign a permission form.

“The Barack Obama Song,” which prioritizes rhyme over substance, does have a sort of North Korean enthusiasm for every aspect of our president’s life.

Who’s famous slogan is Yes we can?
Obams’s famous slogan is Yes we can
Who do we know is the man?
Barack Obama is the man
He’s our man, Yes we can!
There are several more verses of this claptrap, but I couldn't control my gag reflex long enough to post them.

Seriously, how much longer will we put up with this crap?


  1. That just pissed me off the FIRST time I saw it... And it STILL pisses me off...

  2. I agree Old NFO,

    This chanting Obummer's praise is propaganda, brain-washing Crap.


    I'm down with:

    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

  3. Where are the parents? I know that we've been conditioned over the years to just passively accept whatever the government shoves down our throats, but this is ridiculous.

    IMO it's time to Occupy the Schools!
