Friday, January 6, 2012

A Welcome Trend

It's a little early to declare two recent events a trend, but one can hope.

A couple of days ago a teen mom shot one of two men who broke into her house and threatened her and her new-born daughter.

The incident described below happened two days prior to that one, but authorities didn't release any information until yesterday.
Police in North Carolina revealed a 14-year-old boy shot dead an intruder attempting to break into his home while he and his sister were alone.

... police said the 14-year-old and his sister were at home in the rural town of Henderson when four men tried to break into the house.

The teen opened fire with a shotgun while his 17-year-old sister hid in a closet as a gang of men attempted to smash their way into their home.

Michael Anthony Henderson Jr, 19, was shot dead.

He staggered away from the house and collapsed where he was found by police.

His brother Seneca, 20, and one other man Andrew Terry, 23, have already been charged in the case.

Police are still searching for a third man named as 21-year-old Jatwaun Davis.
Vermin that tried to invade the North Carolina home.
 In the call, the teen, says: 'I just shot the man. He came around the corner. I shot him. He broke the whole glass out (of the back door).'
He continues: '... I got one more in the chamber. I'm going to shoot again,' the boy said.

Police said the teen will not face any charges...
He damn well shouldn't face charges. If anything, he should get a medal for protecting his sister. (I especially liked the part where he said " I got one more in the chamber. I'm going to shoot again.")

Both cases have two things in common. One, the people defending themselves were not just outnumbered, but at a physical disadvantage; a young woman, and a 14-year-old boy vs. grown men. Two, in both cases the weapon used was a shotgun.

A shotgun is a great weapon for home defense. It requires less fine motor skills to operate and aim than a handgun, something to keep in mind as adrenalin surges through the system. If loaded with shot rather than slugs, it is also less likely to penetrate interior walls and threaten other family members.

Plus it's just so damn intimidating...

Hopefully these recent events will give pause to the scum who prey on the (supposedly) weak and helpless, but somehow I doubt it. But at least we taxpayers won't have to foot the bills for an endless series of trials and appeals, followed by room and board (and cable TV and exercise facilities and all the other benefits that criminals shouldn't be allowed).


  1. GOD I love a story with a happy ending. My eyes won't stop watering with tears of joy for that young man protecting his sister.

    Of course, I and most human beings don't ever want to have to shoot someone (much less kill them) but if that day ever comes where I have to squeeze the trigger on someone for any reason, I can guarantee you that I will NOT lose one minute of sleep over it.

    Of course, the media and the gun-grabbers on the left will have no comment about this story and about how a firearm was used to SAVE two people's lives. God forbid...

  2. CD - double tap ... assess ... repeat as needed.

    And then get a good night's sleep.
