Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do You Really Get What You Pay For? Update

In my earlier post I left out one additional step to take to improve our public education system: parental involvement.
Kenya Parents Attack Teachers Over Exams Results

The chairman of the Kenyan teachers' union says angry parents are attacking teachers nationwide after their children's dismal performance in a national exam.
Okay, physically attacking teachers might be a little extreme, but the underlying concept is valid. Institute some form of individual accountability to hold teachers and administrators responsible for student performance.

And while we're at it, let's hold the little darlings and their parents responsible as well. After all, there's enough blame for this mess to go around...


  1. "Kenya Parents Attack Teachers Over Exams Results"

    It's a cultural thingy!

  2. At least they weren't rioting in a McDonalds.
