Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This blog is on strike today to fight the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

Go here for more information.

Do you seriously want a coalition of sleazy politicians and even sleazier hollywood jerkoffs controlling what you can post and see on the Internet?

I didn't think so.

Let your congresscritter know how you feel. If enough of us do so they just might pay attention.

After all, that's how democracy is supposed to work...


  1. I am rather on the fence about the effectiveness of this 'strike'. Some are doing it better than others. Google's banner = effective. Users can get more information on the proposed law, but still use Google. Reddit = sucky. Wouldn't a landing page with the message be just as effective rather than prohibiting access to the site? I hit a link to a story that is timely today, I am not likely to go back tomorrow still looking for it.

    Most of the blogs I read are like yours, with a post about it, but still allowing access to the site. I think most bloggers and their readers are well aware of the dangers of SOPA, so we are preaching to the choir.

  2. I agree that a bunch of bloggers taking the day off won't have much impact. However, I have sent emails to my congressweasel and both senatorweasels making my position known. If we all do that it might make an impression.

    Can't hurt...

  3. I have sent emails to my congressweasel and both senatorweasels

