Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back In Business

The SOPA strike is over. Only time will tell if it had any effect, but early returns are encouraging. However, we're not out of the woods yet.

If you haven't already done so, please take a minute to contact your representative and senators. Here's what I sent to mine.
I am contacting you to voice my strong opposition to SOPA, and any other form of government meddling with the Internet.
The Internet, electronic commerce, and the underlying businesses have dramatically grown and prospered precisely because of minimal government interference and intrusion. The last thing we need, especially in these turbulent economic times, is more ill-conceived government regulation.
Please stop pandering to special interest groups. Let the free market flourish.
Feel free to cut-and-paste away...


  1. CTT,

    That Mail on line "submarine article" is dated Last updated at 00:13 10 November 2007

    The date on top is 1/12/2012 however.



  2. The incident occurred back in 2007.

    I've noticed the date change on other sites as well. I think it has something to do with when the article is accessed (or maybe linked), but I'm not sure.
