Thursday, December 8, 2011

The World Has Gone Mad

Just two in a long line of examples.

Example #1 - Administration Calls Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence'
Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.
Remember when Major Nidal Hasan went on a rampage in 2009, killing thirteen people and wounding dozens of others while shouting "Allah Akbar" (which is arabic for 'I love to take it up the ass'). That wasn't workplace violence. It was a terrorist attack, pure and simple. Calling it anything else is a perfect example of being politically correct at the expense of the truth.

Example #2 - Medicare Spends a Quarter Billion Dollars on Penis Pumps
"...Medicare has spent more than $240 million of taxpayer money on penis pumps for elderly men over the past decade..."
Well, why not. The government is screwing us every time we turn around. We may as well let senior citizens do the same thing.

The penis pump market has grown so large (ha!) that websites dedicated solely to that have sprung up (ha! again).

Medicare Penis Pumps - Medicare may cover the cost for you! - Call us toll free

So have marketing videos.

And of course, where there's money to be made. there's con artists.

Man pleads guilty to penis pump Medicare scam
An Illinois man pleaded guilty in Rhode Island on Thursday to charges he shipped unwanted penis enlargers to diabetes patients as part of a Medicare fraud scheme that cost $1 million to $2.5 million from 2005 to 2009.
And I guess if there's a problem with the product there most likely would be a recall.

What a strange, crazy world we live in...

1 comment:

  1. And we pay for his legal team, hospital bed in his cell and he continues to draw his major's salary. This country is so bass ackwards.
