Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh No - Not Again

Brace yourself for another round of anti-gun hysteria after this latest tragedy.

Virginia Tech Locked Down After Two Killed
Virginia Tech University, the site of the country's worst massacre, is on lockdown after two people, including a police officer, were shot and killed on the campus.

The school said the suspect is at large and students are being told, "Stay indoors. Secure in place."
Of course, the only ones armed on campus are the shooter and the police. Look at how well that turned out for the dead officer and the second victim.

I hope no one else - other than the criminal - is harmed, but this is sure to reignite the debate about who should and should not be allowed to carry firearms on campus.

If nothing else, it again shows the fallacy that anti-guns laws keep people safe.


  1. I just heard about this on the news and I can already hear the cries in the next couple of days demanding MORE gun CONTROL on campuses. Which, as you well know, won't do a fuggin' thing to stop something like this from happening.

    A "Gun Free Zone" is nothing but a target-rich environment for some lunatic out there because that lunatic KNOWS most people aren't going to be armed in fear of being punished for breaking some bullshit rule, therefore he/she has nothing to worry about until after the carnage. No one will shoot back because everyone has left their guns at home to abide by the idiocy of a "GFZ".

    Not me. I am not going to let someone ELSE dictate whether or not I can defend my life or the lives of others. For me, that's a no brainer...

    From what I've heard of this story there's not much anyone else could've done whether or not they were carrying, but the last VT shooting could've and SHOULD'VE been stopped by another student or faculty member before the LEO's were even on the scene. THAT makes me sick to my stomach...

  2. I heard the school president or someone mention the heartbreak that VT has gone through because of 'guns'. Not 'people', not 'lunatics', but 'guns'.

    And spoons make people fat.

  3. Well said, Harper!

    The liberals will be banging their drums and blowing their whistles over this incident.

    Advice: Get on out to the gun stores and buy, buy, buy before it's too late!

  4. Christmas is coming. Santa knows what caliber I want...
