Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Words Fail Me

There aren't enough words in the dictionary to express my disgust at obama, the democrats, and yes, even the republicans, for allowing this country's financial situation to get into the mess in which it is currently stewing. It never should have gotten this far. Spending should have been controlled decades ago. Instead politicians of both parties pedaled their souls to special interest groups in order to get re-elected.

Screw 'em all.

Fortunately, when I get in a funk like this I usually stumble across something that renews my faith in this country and her people. Today's inspiration may be found here.
And knew that ... we would make it through this tough time. . .
Please go there and recharge your batteries.


  1. CenTexTim,

    Thank you Sir. It has been my honor to travel through your great state. . .


  2. And it has been our pleasure to have you as a guest.

    Y'all come back, now.
