Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Liberal

It's no secret that liberals regularly say one thing and do another. A recent example is obama's public insistence of raising taxes for 'the wealthy' while at the same time taking advantage of the current lower tax rates.

Another example is illustrated in the choice of schools for both the obama children and the children of rahm emanuel, obama's former chief of staff.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel chooses private school for kids
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who strongly supports school reform that centers on standardized test-based accountability for students, schools and teachers, has decided to send his children to a private school that doesn’t obsess on standardized tests.
Do as I say, not as I do.
It’s the same school that President Obama’s daughters attended when they lived in Chicago. Sasha and Malia Obama now attend the private Sidwell Friends School.

The decision where to send your children to school is certainly a personal one, even for public officials. But it is worth publicly noting what public officials who support test-based school reform — including Obama’s main education initiative, Race to the Top -- choose to do with their own children when given the chance.

Obama and now Emanuel opted for schools that do not require teachers to spend hours a week drilling kids to pass standardized tests, and they don’t evaluate teachers by how well their students do on those assessments.

Meanwhile, Emanuel was none too happy about being asked about the choice of school for his children, as shown when he stormed out of an interview with Mary Ann Ahern of NBC Chicago.
Rahm, of course, has long been known for his temper, ruthlessness, and bullying tactics.
... the Mayor of Chicago positioned himself inches from my face and pointed his finger directly at my head. He raised his voice and admonished me. How dare I ask where his children would go to school!

Several hours later I called the mayor... I thought it might be best to clear the air.  But no air was cleared.

“My children are private and you will not do this," he said...

I also let him know that I felt wronged and bullied during his earlier tirade. “You are wrong and a bully," Emanuel fired back. "I care deeply for my family. I don't care about you." With that, he hung up the phone.

Quite the temper tantrum.

The problem is not testing itself. What is corrupting public education is the high stakes that are put on the results of standardized tests. In Chicago, Emanuel’s commitment to this will only make things worse in the public schools. But not for his kids.
Read those last two sentences again. It's typical liberal bullshit. "This is what we want all of you to do. We, of course, will do elsewise."

What else is new...?


  1. Just for argument's sake, how is Obama and Emanual's choice different than Gov. Christie also sending his children to private school after cutting public school funding?

    For the record though, I'd still vote for Christie as POTUS in a heartbeat. I like guys that are not afraid to speak their minds and stand up to the liberal babble.

  2. Good question.

    As I understand it, Chrisite sends his kids to a Christian school because he wants religion included in their education - something that public schools obviously can't provide.

    He also doesn't publicly advocate a particular type of educational approach - "Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ... strongly supports school reform that centers on standardized test-based accountability" - while sending his kids somewhere that utilizes a different methodology.

    One thing both Christie and Emanuel have in common is a touchiness on this subject.

    “Hey, Gail, you know what? First off, it’s none of your business. I don’t ask you where you send your kids to school, don’t bother me about where I send mine. Secondly, I pay $38,000 a year in property taxes for a public school system, predominantly in Mendham, that my wife and I don’t choose to utilize because we believe – we’ve decided as parents – that we believe a religious education should be part of our children’s everyday education so we send our children to parochial school. Third, I as Governor, am responsible for every child in this state, not just my own, and the decisions I make are to try to improve educational opportunities of every child in this state. So, with all due respect, it’s none of your business.”

