Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time To Resign Our Membership

Someone remind me again why we're still members of the U.N.

Is it because countries like Red China and Saudi Arabia are members of the Human Rights council? Or perhaps because the U.N. is so supportive of Israel, the only democracy in the middle east?

In any event, as the U.N. continues to spread the blessings of liberty and individual freedom around the world, it has outgrown its current facilities and needs more space.
The United Nations, which is already spending $1.9 billion to renovate its New York headquarters, hopes to build a second high-rise nearby on two-thirds of an acre that is currently used as a city playground.
Hey you kids. Get off my lawn U.N.
The new building, which could be as much as 900,000 square feet in area, could rise as high as the U.N.’s landmark Secretariat building, and according to a  New York City real estate expert consulted by Fox News, could cost anywhere from $370 to $475 million—excluding land costs. Those figures do not include any additional costs for security features, which could hike the total much higher.

The proposed addition to the U.N. headquarters could also pose extensive new security concerns for the U.N. and for New York City. Only last February, the U.S. government agreed to foot the bill for $100 million in security improvements to the current U.N. headquarters campus, after city officials expressed intense behind-the-scenes frustration at the vulnerabilities of the existing U.N. complex.
Why are we, the U.S. taxpayers, coughing up $$$ to pay for security for the U.N.? After all, the people who hate us are running the damn thing. And they're not doing a very good job of it.
... its hugely expensive renovation (currently in progress) ... ballooned from an initial estimate of around $600 million to the current $1.9 billion—even before security costs were added in.
Sounds like a typical government project. Over budget, behind schedule, and incomplete.

Of course, a new high-rise U.N. building could alter the skyline of New york.

Just like some of the members helped do 10 years ago...

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