Friday, October 22, 2010

Will This Nonsense Ever End?

First it was the government sticking its nose into our bathrooms by requiring low flow toilets. Never mind that the unintended consequences of this are toilet smuggling and multiple flushes that result in just as much water usage as with the old toilets that worked. 
(Dave Barry's comment on the topic: "They work fine for one type of bodily function, which, in the interest of decency, I will refer to here only by the euphemistic term "No. 1." But many of the new toilets do a very poor job of handling "acts of Congress," if you get my drift.")
Then it was the government-mandated switch from incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent ones. More unintended consequences followed in the form of toxic mercury in landfills and American jobs lost to foreign countries.

Now it's street signs. Thousands of perfectly good street signs must be replaced because (1) they are all upper case or (2) use the wrong font.

These examples are, of course, just the tip of the governmental-intrusion iceberg. It brings to mind two quotes - take your pick.

"When will it ever end" (Peter, Paul, and Mary)

"Stop the insanity!!!" (Susan Powter)

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