Wednesday, October 20, 2010

San Antonio Doesn't Dick Around Either

Yesterday Kerrcarto posted a story about a Kerrville resident shooting at a pervert on her porch. Unfortunately, she missed, either by accident or design.

Today there was this story in the San Antonio media about some dirtbag who broke into a woman's bedroom in the middle of the night. She put a couple of rounds right in the 10-ring and he bleed out in her front yard.
Investigators say 28-year-old Guadalupe Valenzuela broke into a 50-year-old woman's home in the 4800 block of Castle Path around 4:00 a.m. Tuesday. The woman said she heard someone breaking in, but before she could call for help, Valenzuela had already made it inside and kicked in her bedroom door. The woman pulled out a revolver officers said she kept under her pillow and fired four shots at him.

"It was obvious...He was coming for her or to attack her," said Sgt. Chris Benavides of the San Antonio Police Department.

Police say Valenzuela ran out and collapsed in the front yard of Guzman's house.

Valenzuela had a criminal record that included charges for possession of drugs, disorderly conduct, and driving while intoxicated. The woman who shot him will not be charged because police say she had a right to protect herself and her home. 
Just another reason to thank God I live in a state that recognizes the right of people to defend themselves, their families, and their homes. 

While I'm at it, let me slip in a plug for the Texas State Rifle Association, a pro-second amendment group that operates like the NRA, but on a state level. I've been a member for several years, and I'm here to testify that they do an excellent job of protecting and expanding our 2A rights. They were instrumental in getting the concealed carry and castle doctrine laws passed, and are currently working on legislation that is very near and dear to my heart - allowing qualified individuals to carry firearms on college campuses. If you live in Texas and support our right to keep and bear arms, please consider joining.


  1. Ironic that it is more legally acceptable to shoot at a human that is threatening you, but discharging a fire arm within city limits to kill a snake or something will land you in jail.

  2. That's just awesome! Good for her! I wonder if the perp was an illegal? It wouldn't surprise me one bit.

  3. Harper - maybe you could claim you were in fear of your life from the snake.

    CD - No word on the dead thug's status, but since he had more than one conviction I would guess he wasn't an illegal. He undoubtedly was, however, a democrat because he was trying to redistribute wealth and screw someone in the process.
