Wednesday, October 13, 2010

That Didn't Take Long

I've been holding off posting this until all the Chilean miners were rescued so I didn't jinx them. At this point in time there are still several rescue workers waiting to be brought up, but I think it's safe now. At least I hope so. I'd hate to have to live with any negative consequences.
This country, and in fact the entire world, has demonstrated an amazing capacity for untimely and inappropriate jokes during times of stress and tragedy. There are some who would argue that humor is a coping mechanism (count me in that camp), but still, there is a fine line that must be walked. I don't think any of the following cross that line, but even if they do, so what?
  • When will they get those poor, desperate men out of the hole they’re in? But hey… enough about the Dallas Cowboys.
  • “Chilean miners haven’t seen sunlight in over 70 days” – Big deal. They should try experiencing a British summer.
  • I watched CNN as the miners were brought up ‘Juan by Juan.’
  • It’s a shame my wife isn’t trapped down that mine with those Chilean miners. They’d have dug themselves out by now.
  • I don't know who's screwed more minors, that Chilean mining company or the Catholic Church.
  • Upon receiving a pitch for a movie script about the story of the Chilean miners, director/rapist Roman Polanski said, "Okay, you had me with minors."
  • When the first miner came out I was upset to notice that it was sunny and he saw his shadow. That means six extra weeks of winter.
If any of the miners take offense to these, I will not debate, argue, or fight with them. I refuse to sink to their level...

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