Thursday, October 14, 2010

An Asshole And An Idiot

Eugene Robinson is a columnist for the Washington Post. He's also an asshole and an idiot.

I won't go into his asshole-ery. Just browse some of his past columns and you'll figure that out for yourself. But I will make a few brief comments on his idiocy. His most recent column addresses the 'exhaustion vs. enthusiasm' gap between democraps and repubs. (Remember Velma Hart? She's the lady who was an obama supporter, but who has grown "exhausted" trying to defend him since he took office. She's the poster child for the exhausted democraps.)

In his column, Robinson discusses how obama changes his message depending on which segment of his supporters he's addressing.
For progressives who have criticized his administration from the left, (obama) has a stern lecture that might be paraphrased like this: "Come on, people, give us a break. Have you noticed that we don't exactly have a liberal majority in Congress?"
Excuse me? When he took office his party had firm control of the house and a supermajority in the senate. There was absolutely nothing to stop him and his cronies from ramming their liberal agendas down this country's throat, and boy did they take advantage of that. Stimulus bills, obamacare, cash for clunkers ... the list goes on. He and his ilk are now experiencing the backlash from those ill-conceived, foolish, and failed initiatives.
For centrist Democrats who might have wanted him to spend more time on jobs and less on health care, Obama's message is essentially apocalyptic ... "You're right, things aren't as great as we'd like. But just imagine the disaster if the Republicans take control of Capitol Hill."
Yeah, I'd hate to go back to those days.

January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress. At the time:
  • The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
  • The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
  • The unemployment rate was 4.6%
If you don't believe it, go look it up.
With African Americans, his appeal has been simpler and more direct: "I need you."

The president's overall approval rating, according to the latest Gallup survey, is a middling 46 percent -- not great, but roughly comparable to that of Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton at this stage of their presidencies. His approval among African Americans, by contrast, is a stratospheric 87 percent.

This despite the fact that black people have suffered disproportionately from the subprime mortgage meltdown, the tidal wave of foreclosures and evictions, the worst recession in decades and the agonizingly slow "jobless" recovery that economists say we're experiencing -- problems that have their roots in prior administrations, but that many other Americans seem prepared to blame on Obama and the Democrats.
Oh, right, back to the old "It's all Bush's fault" theme.
The national unemployment rate is 9.6 percent. For African Americans, it's a punishing 16.1 percent -- yet African Americans remain the president's most enthusiastic and loyal constituency.

There are two reasons. For at least two generations, black Americans have been faithful supporters of the Democratic Party in general. And specifically, their high regard for Obama has to be because he is the first African American president of a nation that not long ago consigned black people to second-class citizenship.
Of course. When whites don't support obama it's racist. When blacks do support him, it's justified.

I'm so tired of all this crap. obama is inexperienced, incompetent, and incapable of understanding the Constitution and basic economic principles. His own party is fleeing from him like Europeans from toxic sludge. Yet it's all the fault of Bush and a bunch of us right-wing racist obstructionists.

Can't we all just get along...?

How liberals perceive getting along.

How Texans perceive getting along.

How men perceive getting along (click to embiggen).

Getting along in reality.

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