Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remember The Fallen

(Image from RangerUp.)

Nine years later the World Trade Center site is again the center of attention in an ongoing war against terrorism. But let's not forget what also happened at the Pentagon and in the sky above Pennsylvania.

If you're a reader, I highly recommend Among the Heroes, a book that tells the story of Flight 93, which was hijacked on 9/11 and then crashed as the passengers and crew battled the hijackers for control of the plane. It's not an easy book to read - I had to stop more than once due to blurry vision - but it does an excellent job of narrating the events that led to that field in Pennsylvania while humanizing without over-embellishing the participants. Ordinary people thrust into an extraordinary situation, they typified the character and spirit that made this country great. 

Let's remember all of those affected by 9-11 in our prayers.

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