Friday, September 10, 2010

A New Take On Drive-Thru

Ah, the Swiss. First chocolate, now this.
It looks like police in Zurich are subscribing to the "if you can't beat them, build them little huts to do the nasty in" theory of prostitution control. Only in Europe.

Prostitution has become such a problem in Switzerland that Zurich officials have made proposals to add "sex boxes" to the city. The idea itself is adopted from German cities like Essen and Cologne, and will be a way for prostitution to continue on behind closed, uh, doors.

The boxes will serve as quickie drive-throughs, so-to-speak, and will free up city streets from unsightly acts that haunt Zurich residents whose homes overlook the city's red light district. "They get up to all sorts in broad daylight - and we're sick to death of looking at it," one resident [said].

From the looks of things, the boxes are big enough to conceal vehicles while prostitutes and clients handle business, away from the public eye.

This somewhat laissez faire approach to Swiss sex industry control even comes an official police endorsement: "We can't get rid of prostitution, so we have to learn how to control it," Police spokesman Reto Casanova said.
Substitute "the democrat party" for "prostitution" in the sentence above, and you get the prevailing mood going into the Nov. elections...

1 comment:

  1. Arlington, Texas is considering creating a 'prostitution exclusionary zone' around their entertainment district. (That means around Cowboys Stadium during the Super Bowl). This area would be off limits for anyone convicted of a prostitution offense in the past two years. There is, of course, a list of exemptions allowing entry - like if your dentist is in the zone. This exclusionary zone would seem to indicate an area where prostitution would be allowed, an inclusionary zone, if you will...
