Monday, August 30, 2010

There Is A Connection

Paris Hilton Arrested on Drug Charges

Is anyone really surprised?

Does anyone really care?

Mexican Drug Cartel Violence Escalates
A car explodes outside a police station, another outside a television station. A gang is suspected of massacring 72 migrants. A prosecutor investigating those deaths suddenly disappears.

Kidnappings and attacks on government security patrols are rampant...

Drug gangs have terrorized news organizations in northern Mexico, and journalists have been killed and newspaper offices attacked to quiet coverage.

In Tamaulipas, many newspapers and television stations simply have stopped reporting on the violence. The day after the massacre was discovered, local newspapers carried headlines about the new school year.

Meanwhile, the bodies of 14 people were found dumped in various locations around the Pacific Coast resort of Acapulco, while the U.S. State Department issued a new warning for Americans living or traveling in Mexico — particularly in border cities.

The State Department told U.S. diplomats in the northern industrial city of Monterrey to remove their children from the area after a deadly shootout last week in front of the American Foundation School, where many American students are enrolled.
Is anyone really surprised?

Does anyone really care?

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