Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hillary Strikes Again

The would-be president and rumored VP candidate in 2012 has snitched out Arizona to the U.N. Human Rights Council because of the controversial S.B. 1070, which allows LEOs to question a person's immigration status when there is reason to ask them about potential legal violations. That, according to Hillary, is equivalent to beating, imprisoning, beheading, and other similar human rights abuses.

What in the world was that dingbat thinking? The U.N. Human Rights Council includes such bastions of human rights as Cuba, Libya, and Red China. According to Hillary, this select group should pillory Arizona because it dares to ask for documentation of people suspected of breaking the law. This is a human rights violation? As opposed to what takes place in those enlightened countries? Oh my aching butt.

And where is obama on all this? Did he approve Hillary's action, or is she off the reservation on this one? Given his penchant for bowing and scraping to other countries, and kicking dirt on this one, I suspect he's (1) pleased with what she did, and (2) ecstatic that she's taking the heat for it.

Geez, I hope she mounts her broom and swoops into the democrap VP nomination in 2012. That would all but guarantee that whoever the republicans nominate would win in a landslide...

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