Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yellow Dogs Refuse To Die

Not surprisingly, given the state of the nation, obama's poll numbers continue to drop.
"Americans are more pessimistic about the state of the country and less confident in President Barack Obama's leadership than at any point since Mr. Obama entered the White House..."
What is surprising is not that his numbers are dropping like BP stock, but that 49% of the respondents rate him positively in terms of "strong leadership qualities,'' and  40% rate him positively on his "ability to handle a crisis." Of course, these figures are down from 70% and 51%,respectively, but still...

What president are those fools watching? The same one who kowtows to foreign leaders, who doesn't understand the most basic rules of economics, who can't manage the oil spill, who can't string together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, who lies about the costs and consequences of his legislation (and probably his golf scores), ... well, you get the picture. How on earth can any rational person think this clown is doing a good job?

Oh, wait, they're liberals, That pretty much rules out rationality.

The term "yellow dog democrat" refers to a hard-core democrat who would rather vote for a yellow dog than a republican. Based on history, it appears that about 40% of the population are yellow dogs. So obama is getting close to the rock bottom of his supporters. (To be fair, about 40% of the population are hard core republicans who would rather vote for the walking dead than a democrat. But that's different...)

One final note: based on the poll, "African-Americans remain the firmest part of Mr. Obama's base, with 91% approving of his job performance."

91%, huh? Of course, that has nothing to do with race...

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