Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good News from the Goose Front

Papa Goose, aka the Guardian Gander, is regaining his health (previous story here and here).

Not only that, but the eggs he was injured guarding have now hatched (story and photos from here).

The first born began emerging about 7 p.m., the first of seven eggs to hatch. Now used to all the attention at their fenced nesting place on River Road, the happy couple opened their "nursery" to dozens of spectators with flashing cameras as a second egg began to crack.

As dusk began to fall shortly after 8 p.m. on the longest day of the year, the gander, who has regained the use of his neck, head and vocal chords, began covering the first gosling with grass and shielded it with his body as a beak and a wing emerged from the second egg.

Hill Country Animal League Director J.J. Blackson said she was going to leave the gander, who is still unable to walk, with his mate during the night with plans to check back early Tuesday. The gander continues rehab at the HCAL facility as friends and animal rescue consultants prepare for the time the mother goose will want to lead her brood across busy River Road.
The tragic love story has captured statewide attention since the strutting gander featured in an article in the Boerne Star June 11 was struck by a car. For weeks he had guarded his mate, who chose the shrubs fronting the Dodging Duck Restaurant on River Road as a nesting place, often running out into the street to fend off cars that came too close. After he suffered the serious back injury that left him unable to walk, friends from HCAL took over, fencing the area and providing food and water.

More friends from Wildlife Rescue are helping arrange a new place for the family to live, away from busy streets.
Meanwhile, hundreds of ducks and geese of all colors and species populate Boerne's popular River Road Park across the street frm the Dodging Duck. After last year's drought, early spring and summer rains have filled the creek running through the park, attracting picnickers, who often share their lunches with the many waterfowl.
Methinks this calls for a visit to the Dodging Duck to toast the good news...


  1. Well, thank goodness there is a happy ending.

  2. Nice to have some good news for a change, isn't it.
