Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Some Illegal Immigrants Are More Equal Than Others

The Supreme Court heard arguments Monday concerning obama's executive action halting deportation of millions of illegal aliens illegally living in the U.S. - illegally.
The Obama administration’s plan to defer deportation for more than four million illegal immigrants faced an uncertain future Monday after the Supreme Court appeared split on the program’s legality.
Did I mention they are here illegally?

I'm not a legal scholar, but I don't understand why the president has the power to ignore or override the law of the land. But listen to the words of Sonia Sotomayor, alleged "wise Latina."
The four million immigrants potentially eligible for a reprieve “are living in the shadows” and “are here whether we want them or not,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor said, citing limited government resources for deportations.
Oh, so now 'limited government resources' is legal grounds for ruling on the limits of presidential power?

The court’s four conservative justices voiced skepticism of the Obama administration’s immigration policy, called Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, or DAPA, which would provide work authorization and a reprieve to illegal immigrants with children who are U.S. citizens, if they meet certain criteria. Liberal justices noted that the president has wide discretion on deportation matters, given the government’s limited resources and the more than 11 million immigrants believed to be living in this country illegally.

The Department of Homeland Security, which enforces many immigration laws, has said it lacks the resources to deport the millions of illegal immigrants presently within the U.S. ...
In an interesting twist, however, the obama administration evidently has enough resources to deport certain selected immigrants.

Cuban Activist Living in USA for Nearly Half a Century Ordered Deported
Living for nearly half a century in the United States offers no guarantee that one can stay.

That is a reality now facing Cuban exile activist Ramón Saúl Sánchez, leader of the Democracy Movement, who received a letter Thursday from the federal government ordering him to leave the country as soon as possible.

Sánchez, who obtained legal entry into the U.S. in what is known as a “parole,” had applied for permanent residency in 2002...

That permanent residency request has been denied and his parole has now also expired, according to the letter issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

“You are not authorized to remain in the United States and should make arrangements to depart as soon as possible,” stated the letter, dated April 7 and received by Sánchez on Thursday. “Failure to depart may result in your being found ineligible for immigration benefits and inadmissible to the United States in the future.”
Gee, I wonder why, after 14 years, the federal government finally decided that Sánchez now must "depart as soon as possible.” Could it have something to do with his political protests against his former home - Cuba?
Sánchez is a well-known activist in South Florida, who also has staged a number of hunger strikes to bring attention to various Cuba-related causes...

(Sánchez has organized a protest) to a recent denial by Cuban leader Raúl Castro that any political prisoners were behind bars on the island.

Sánchez characterized the letter as "political pressure" by the Obama administration...
Somehow I doubt if the liberal idiots on the Supreme Court will take this blatantly political move by obama into account when deliberating on the illegal immigration case currently in front of them.


  1. SMH, the lefties will do whatever it takes to make us more like the 3r world. I guess they think they will be immune to the results

  2. Well, they do exempt themselves from the laws they pass...

  3. Illegals ARE criminals... sigh... BUT they want to criminalize US for pointing that out!

  4. Yeah, you can't call criminals "criminals" anymore - or call a dude in a woman's restroom a pervert...
